VoIP Termination

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) termination is essentially the final destination of a VoIP call, where the call is delivered to the recipient's network and ultimately to the intended recipient. It involves the conversion of the IP (Internet Protocol) based call to a traditional telephony signal, allowing the call to be received on a standard telephone.

VoIP Termination Provider: ACOM as your VoIP termination provider is the intermediary responsible for routing the call from the internet to the traditional telephone network. We have connections with various telecom carriers.

Originating Call: The VoIP call originates from a device, often a computer or IP phone, and is transmitted over the internet in the form of data packets.

Transmission: These data packets travel through the internet infrastructure, which could include routers, switches, and various network components.

Conversion to PSTN: At this stage, the VoIP call is converted from digital data into the traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) format. This allows the call to be transmitted over standard telephone lines.

Routing to Destination: The call is then routed through the PSTN to reach the recipient's phone number or device.

Recipient's Network: Finally, the call reaches the recipient's network, where it is converted back into digital format if needed, and the recipient hears the voice on their phone or device.

VoIP termination is a crucial process in the VoIP communication system, facilitating the communication between VoIP and traditional telephone networks. It's like the translator that ensures the conversation can happen seamlessly between digital and analog worlds.

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Benefits of Using VoIP


Unlike a traditional telephone system, VoIP allows you to connect with your customers and partners based anywhere on the globe. You don’t need to stay at your desk 24/7. On the move or resting at home, just connect seamlessly using any device connected to the Internet


The number of physical phones that can be added to a private network or a Private Box Exchange (PBX) depends on the number of lines available within the system but with a VoIP network there are no limitations. We can just increase the available bandwidth and add thousands of phone numbers.


Other than making phone calls, there’s a bulk of features that can be used for smart handling of your customers, ranging from call conferencing, call forwarding, video calling, call routing to voicemail, hosted IVR, music on hold, DND. These features add an extra dimension to the basic framework of just making phone calls and allow you to be fully in control.

Economical/ Pocket-friendly

Making long distance phone calls or international calls, VoIP calls are incomparable when it comes to cost. Without the hassle of setting up an on-premises system, it also reduces the CAPEX liability for your business